- 07/09/2019: Yoni Mehlman wins Best Student Paper Award at the 2019 Device Research Conference (DRC): Verma Lab Ph.D. Student Yoni Mehlman is awarded the Best Student Paper Award at DRC for his research on Giga-Hertz TFT oscillators.
- 02/01/2019: Bonan wins Analog Devices Outstanding Student Designer Award: Verma Lab Ph.D. student Bonan Zhang is awarded the Outstanding Student Designer award from ADI for his research on MRAM-based in memory computing circuits and algorithms.
- 06/01/2018: Tiffany Moy wins Bede Liu Dissertation Prize: Verma Lab Ph.D. graduate Tiffany Moy is co-awarded the top dissertation prize by the Department of Electrical Engineering.
- 02/01/2018: Prakhar Kumar wins Analog Devices Outstanding Student Designer Award: Verma Lab Ph.D. student Prakhar Kumar is awarded Oustanding Stundet Designer Award from ADI for his research on IC architectures for hybrid LAE-CMOS sensing systems.
- 10/1/2017: Prof. Verma is awarded the SONIC Outstanding Faculty Award: Prof. Verma's research is recognized by the SRC/DARPA STARnet Center SONIC for demonstrating sustained excellence in devices-to-systems research.
- 09/12/2017: Tiffany Moy awarded Best In Session Award at Techcon 2017: Verma Lab Ph.D. Student Tiffany Moy is awarded the best paper in session award at the SRC Techcon conference for her work on in-sensor computation for scalable Large-Area-Electronics systems.
- 02/01/2017: Hongyang Jia wins Analog Devices Outstanding Student Designer Award: Verma Lab Ph.D. student Hongyang Jia is awarded the OUtstanding Student Designer award from ADI for his research on unconventional accelerators for enabling efficiency and enhacing programmability in heterogeneous processor architectures.
- 10/11/2016: Tiffany Moy awarded School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) Award for Excellence: Verma Lab Ph.D. student Tiffany Moy is awarded the Princeton SEAS award for excellence in recognition of her research on systems and algorithms for in-sensor computing for enabling large-scale sensing systems.
- 07/01/2016: Warrent Rieutort-Louis wins IEEE Trans. Comp., Pack. & Manu. Tech. Best Paper Award: Verma Lab Ph.D. Student Warrent Rieutort-Louis is awarded the Best Paper Award in the IEEE Transactions journal for his work on physical technologies for scalable interfacing of Large-Area Electronics and silicon-CMOS integrated circuits.
- 02/18/2016: Prof. Verma Awarded for Excellence in Teaching: Prof. Verma is awarded the Princeton Engineering Council Excellence in Teaching Award for the Fall semester course ELE462 (Design of VLSI Systems).
- 02/01/2016: Hossein Valavi wins Analog devices Outstanding Stundet Designer Award: Verma Lab Ph.D. student Hossein Valavi is awarded the Oustanding Student Designer Award from ADI for his research focusing on analog implementations of neural networks.
- 05/22/2015: Zhuo Wang wins Honorific Fellowship: Verma Lab Ph.D. Student, Zhuo Wang, is recognized by Princeton University through the Procter Fellowship for his research focusing on the application of machine-learning techniques to enhance the efficiency and viability of integrated circuit systems for advanced sensing applications.
- 02/21/2015: Jintao Zhang wins Analog Devices Outstanding Student Designer Award: Verma Lab Ph.D. student Jintao Zhang is awarded the Oustanding Student Designer Award from ADI for his research focusing on analog computation of inference algorithms for sensor applications.
- 09/08/2014: Liechao Huang is awarded Wu Prize for Excellence: Verma Lab Ph.D. student Liechao Huang is awarded the Wu Prize for Excellence by the Graduate School for his research focusing on systems based on combining CMOS with thin-film electronics.
- 06/09/2014: Verma Lab students win Best Student Paper Award at VLSI Symposium on Circuits: Yingzhe Hu, Liechao Huang, Warren Rieutort-Louis, and Josue Sanz-Robinsonare honored at the 2014 VLSI Sympoisum on Circuits for their 2013 paper, "A Fully Self-powered Hybrid System based on CMOS ICs and Large-area Electronics for Large-scale Strain Monitoring." The paper presents a scalable strain sensing sheet for structural-health monitoring applications, achieved by combining CMOS ICs with large-area electronics.
- 06/02/2014: Abigail Ward receives the MacCracken Prize: Verma Lab undergraduate, Abbi Ward, receives the Calvin Dodd MacCracken Prize, which is awarded by the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences for the top senior thesis. Abbi's thesis explored algorithms using of an expermental capacitive sensing technology to detect human gestures for controlling computers (desktop, public terminals/displays, mobile devices).
- 05/29/2014: Warren Rieutort-Louis is Awarded Honorific Fellowship: Verma Lab Ph.D. Student, Warren, is receives the Harold W. Dobbs Honorific Fellowship, awarded to a final year Ph.D. student who displays excellence in research and scholarship. Warren's research focuses on large-scale sensing systems based on large-area electronics.
- 02/10/2014: Verma Lab students win ISSCC Student Research Preview Award: Yingzhe Hu, Liechao Huang, Warren Rieutort-Louis, and Josue Sanz Robinson are honored at the 2014 Int'l Solid-State Circuits Conference for their research on combining large-area electronis with CMOS ICs. The research was presented while in progress at ISSCC 2013.
- 01/27/2014: Prof. Verma wins AFOSR Young Investigator Research Program Award: Research focusing on new applications, technologies, and basic principles for computing inferences within low-power sensor systems is recognized by AFOSR. [Link]
- 01/22/2014: Verma Lab collaboration with Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) Lab wins CIOB Award: The Chartered Institue of Building has awarded an Innovation Achiever's Award to the large-area sensing skin project and its application to structural health monitoring. This effort is a collaboration between Verma Lab and The Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) Lab (led by Prof. Branko Glisic, Princeton). [Link]
- 09/27/2013: Prof. Verma receives Walter Curtis Johnson Prize for Teaching Excellence: Princeton Department of Electricial Engineering has recognized Prof. Naveen Verma for demonstrating teaching exellence in the undergraduate program.
- 09/01/2013: Yingzhe Hu is awarded Wu Prize for Excellence: Verma Lab Ph.D. student, Yingzhe, is awarded the Wu Prize for excellence by the Graduate School for his research in systems based on large-area electronics.
- 06/25/2013: Prof. Verma wins Intel Early Career Award: Research focusing on embedded processors for machine-learning analytics and large-scale sensing systems based on large-area electronics is recognized by Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program. [Link]
- 05/14/2013: Warren Rieutort-Louis wins Maeder Graduate Fellowship: Verma Lab Ph.D. student, Warren, is recognized by the Andlinger Center (Princeton) for is research in thin-film technologies for energy applications. [Link]
- 04/24/2013: Yingzhe Hu and Josue Sanz Robinson win Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship: Verma Lab Ph.D. students are recognized by the QInF Program for their research in the area of large-scale sensing systems based on combining thin-film flexible electronics with CMOS ICs. [Link]
- 04/12/2013: Victoria Solomon is awarded Marshall Scholarship: Verma Lab undergraduate researcher, Victoria, is awarded the Marshall Scholarship to pursue her graduate studies in the U.K. Congrats Victoria! [Link]
- 02/12/2013: Prof. Verma wins NSF CAREER Award: Research focusing on embedding advanced signal-analysis capabilites based on machine-learning within ultra-low-power sensors is recognized by NSF. [Link]
- 08/20/2012: Yingzhe Hu is awarded travel award to present highly-rated CICC paper: Verma Lab Ph.D. student, Yingzhe's, research, to be presented at the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, earns travel award due to high ratings from technical-program review committee.
- 06/20/2012: IEEE Spectrum covers project on thin-film wireless charging system: Lab project integrating energy harvesting devices with power electronics, all in the same amorphous-silicon thin-film technology, is cover story in IEEE spectrum. [Link]
- 06/03/2012: NY Times covers project on sensors on teeth: Collaborative project with Prof. Michael McAlpine (Princeton, MAE) focusing on sensor that can be embedded onto teeth is cover story in NY Times. [Link]
- 05/31/2012: Shoaib Mohammed wins Honorific Fellowship: Verma Lab Ph.D. student, Shoaib, is recognized by Princeton, through the Harold W. Dodds Fellowship, for his research on low-energy signal processing using dimensionality-reducing random projections for sensor signals. [Link]
- 03/13/2012: Prof. Verma receives Alfred Rheinstein Award: Princeton School of Engineering and Applied Sciences has recognized Prof. Naveen Verma with the Alfred Rheinstein Junior Faculty Award.
- 03/06/2012: Warren Rieutort-Louis wins IBM Fellowship: Ph.D. candidate, Warren, is recognized by IBM for his research in thin-film devices and systems. [Link]
- 02/29/2012: Structural-health-monitoring project wins 1st Prize at 7th Annual Princeton Innovation Forum: Lab project focused on developing a high-resolution sensing skin for early-stage damage detection in buildings is recognized for its commerical potential at the Princeton Innovation Forum. [Link]
- 09/10/2011: Kyong Ho Lee receives award for teaching excellence: Ph.D. candidate, Kyong Ho, is recognized by Princeton EE department for his contributions to course ELE/COS:462 as a TA.
- 05/20/2011: Kyong Ho Lee and Shoaib Mohammed win Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship: Verma lab Ph.D. students are recognized by the QInF Program for their research in the area of advanced medical sensors. [Link]
- 07/01/2009: Prof. Naveen Verma joins Princeton University, Department of Electrical Engineering: Verma Lab is established to do research on low-power integrated circuits and systems for advanced sensing applications.